Google is not working up to driverless, but to driverless real. It's all screen-based interaction with the vehicle. Except: Car meets pedestrian.
Google patents display the future
Better patent, software, engineering minds than mine are parsing through Google's recent patent applications to find that vehicles will be skipping the human altogether, except as a passenger. No steering wheel, no brake pedal, no gas pedal. Just room for a couple of passengers. I'm guessing the actual vehicles will come in different sizes for riding alone, riding with the kids, riding on extended vacation, or riding with groceries.
Another Google patent seems to go low-tech to keep pedestrians safe. Instead of my imagined tech solution of a chip on every pedestrian - whether in the purse, backpack, or jacket - Google is trying out something more akin to school bus signs that pop out when the bus stops, something visual to WARN ANYONE close that a vehicle is moving and could pose a danger. So far, Google has included people with visual disabilities in its plans, so I am guessing it will do something to tweak this solution for people who are unable to see.
In the rear view mirror
Not that Google is at all complacent with its position in the driverless industry lead, but there are hungry innovators working hard. One example: A competition is to be hosted for autonomous race cars. These will also be battery powered. The name: Roborace. It is expected that self-driving races will be taking place at actual car races. Who will be the stars without drivers? The software engineers, the welders?
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