Thursday, January 14, 2016

Snow Ready and US DOT Ready for Prime Time

A significant accomplishment for driverless vehicles - prepared to confront snow-covered roads and snowflakes falling down.

Ford is tackling the snow problem, likely because of its Michigan base and driverless testing facility, the company is well aware that major markets exist in places that some winters get lots of snow. Think Midwest generally, Chicago, specifically, and the Northeast, particularly Boston, not to mention a bunch of medium-sized markets.

DOT likes the safety possibilities

DOT is likely celebrating with the President what is a big win: Getting the driverless players to all agree to discussing a framework for safety regulation and allowing driverless vehicles to operate on the roads. All of this is just starting, but that fact that this effort is happening now is an achievement. The companies investing in driverless technology and vehicles want certainty, they want to avoid accidents, and they want credibility with the public.

DOT and the Obama Administration want to appear on top of emerging industries and in control of protecting the public.

This is a win win. It also gives the public a sense of security that someone objective is watching over what has been a bit of a race to the finish line. Thankfully, Google, the leader thus far, has chosen to proceed quite cautiously.

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