Friday, April 15, 2016

Dutch Embrace a New Era of Innovation and Commerce

You should read Tulipmania for an insight into Dutch entrepreneurship and commerce. You should remember the history of global exploration. Remember that it was the Dutch who bought Manhattan. That's why we have Amsterdam Ave. It's why Dutch words permeate the city. If you live in Brooklyn, your front steps are a stoop. Your supervisor is a boss.

Now the Dutch are forging ahead again, this time with driverless vehicles. 
Cooperation in the field of connected and automated driving. FIA Region I and its European Mobility Clubs welcome the Dutch Presidency’s ambition to facilitate the introduction of highly automated and connected vehicles throughout Europe by 2019. The document’s objective is to intensify cooperation, leading to the expected benefits of vehicle automation in terms of safety, efficiency and sustainability while also supporting value-added services using vehicle data.
Wow, in one week, the leaders in driverless race are the Netherlands and Beverly Hills. Who would have thought?

Terrorists usually go low-tech

I work less than a couple of blocks from the White House. I always used to walk down the street where the Boston Marathon bombing happened. I'm as scared as the next person about terrorism, BUT these maniacs do not need driverless vehicles to pull off their evil stunts. 

So why do people - including a high US government security official - think driverless vehicles are the next great opportunity for terrorists? I don't know.

After a gazillion trips on the NY subway, the DC Metro, and the Boston T, I can tell you that the "see something, say something" campaign does not work. Just the other day, I saw luggage unguarded, seemingly unconnected to anyone, sitting right outside Metro Center in DC (the closest station to the White House) and we were all passing by without saying or doing anything. 

There is almost no security at these crowded subway stations. The maniacs do not need driverless to pull off their terrible deeds. We have open sidewalks, train stations, airports, malls, etc., etc., etc. We don't seem to be closing any of them due to the possibility of terrorism. Let's not be disproportionately paranoid about driverless.

I'm also a mother and I can tell you I am much more nervous at the prospect of my kids driving down the open road than I am about driverless vehicles. Just last spring, a dear friend lost her son in a car accident. That same awful experience visited more than 30,000 US families just last year. I don't downgrade the terrible losses of the families of terrorism victims. But we make a choice to live in the world and take risks. Otherwise, we'll all be stuck at home watching videos.

That said, anything can be hacked and I hope the technology developers - whose goal is to make money - are always steps ahead of the evil maniacs.

Tea leaves department

GM has hired a lobbying firm to push its driverless agenda. With Cruise Automation on board and its partnership with Lyft, GM is no longer talking up how Americans love having their hands on the steering wheel.

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