Monday, February 15, 2016

Utah Takes Contemplative Approach

Utah has a driverless bill being considered by its state legislature. Does it allow for driverless operations on the state's roads? No. Does it allow for testing of driverless vehicles within the state? Kind of.

An autonomous vehicle is defined as partially to completely driverless. The definition states:
[A] motor vehicle equipped with technology that allows the motor vehicle to perform one or more driving functions through vehicle automation, without the direct control of the driver. (Emphasis added.)
The bill would require that a study be performed to explore:

1. Best practices for regulating partially and completely autonomous vehicles, including the regimes of other states.
2. Evaluation of safety features and standards for driverless vehicle operation in the Utah terrain and weather.
3. Federal standards.

Happy New Year

The study is due before Dec.31, 2016. 

Almost as an afterthought, the legislation allows for testing, but does not supply any details about conditions under which it may occur. The only proviso is that the testing shall be contracted to be performed under the auspices of three state agencies: the Department of Public Safety, the Division of Motor Vehicles (within the Department of Transportation), and the Department of Technology Services. 

The term "facilitate and encourage" is used in regard to testing, but no specifics are supplied.
Each agency of the state with regulatory authority impacting autonomous vehicle technology testing shall facilitate and encourage the responsible testing and operation of autonomous vehicle technology within the state.
A legislative compromise, perhaps?

Was there a debate about which agency should be granted authority? Maybe, as no department is tasked with the lead role. The bill does reflect the Utah culture (in my limited regulatory and project knowledge of transportation there) of taking the best practices of other places and adapting them to the communal ethos of the state. 

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